Monday, April 11, 2011

... how to survive a break-up: relationship counseling/ counselor in the philippines ... (life coach, psychotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist)

whether you're a guy or girl, mending a broken heart is always difficult to do. experts say that it can take anywhere from 6 months to 8 years for you to get over the heartache of a separation. that's a pretty long time, isn't it?
while you still haven't recovered, it's expected that you'll go through a rollercoaster ride of different emotional reactions such as denial, disbelief, grief, loneliness, anger, rage, and confusion. as time passes, the heaviness of the emotions should slowly subside. if after 6 months, your emotions are still intense, then you should consider getting counseling sessions with a professional to facilitate and hasten your emotional healing.
in the meantime, while you still haven't recovered from the break-up, here are some tips for you:

  • accept the fact that it's finally over. as long as you still harbor the fantasy or wish of gettin back together again, your emotional rollercoaster ride is going to continue.
  • allow yourself to grieve. it's all right to feel bad. the bad feelings are going to diminish as you slowly pick up the pieces of your life and regain your self-identity.
  • don't stay isolated. even if you don't feel like socializing, mingle with your family members and friends. you don't need to talk about your heartaches with them if you don't want to. at the very least, they can temporarily distract you from your heavy feelings.
  • pamper yourself and love yourself. this is the best time to engage in what i call "good" selfishness.
  • develop a spiritual perspective. spirituality teaches us that we can't really hold on to anything and anyone in this life. it reminds us to flow and surrender with whatever circumstances life offers us.
  • avoid vengeful acts. while revenge is tempting, it's something you'll regret you ever did.
  • and lastly, don't make the mistake of getting yourself a relationship on the rebound. it's unfair for both you and your rebound partner.
People come into your life for a reason. Some stay for a season and others stay for a lifetime. I hope that God grants you people of the lifetime type.
At the DWBR 104.3 radio station with host Merly Aloras interviewing me on relationship break-ups.  

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